Top 20 Illnesses in the Philippines 1Q 2011, Based on Philhealth Claims Paid

Here’s a list of the top 20 illnesses or causes of hospitalizations in the Philippines in the first quarter of 2011, based on the number of health insurance claims paid by Philhealth.

Pneumonia and chronic renal failure were still the top 2 illnesses in the first quarter, compared to the top 20 illnesses for the whole of 2010. The ones that increased in rank were classic dengue (from No. 13 to 8), dengue haemorrhagic fever (from No. 8 to 7), and amoebiasis (from No. 17 to 15).

Rank  Illness Claims
1 Pneumonia 79,631
2 Chronic renal failure 68,739
3 Single normal spontaneous delivery of child  

4 Diarrhea and gastroenteritis 53,282
5 Liveborn infant care 36,565
6 Other disorders of urinary system 33,057
7 Dengue haemorrhagic fever 31,101
8 Dengue fever (classic dengue) 21,716
9 Primary (primary) hypertension 21,212
10 Acute upper respiratory infections 18,553
11 Senile cataract 16,665
12 Asthma 16,008
13 Gastritis and duodenitis 14,637
14 Chronic nephritic syndrome 13,458
15 Amoebiasis 12,161
16 Malignant neoplasm of breast 11,875
17 Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers 11,608
18 Acute bronchitis 10,368
19 Viral infection 10,300
20 Single delivery by caesarean section 9,767

Note:   Data was sourced from the Philhealth website.

Despite the high occurrence rate of pneumonia in the Philippines, as shown in the high number of Philhealth claims, pneumonia is not the top cause of death in the country. This means that pneumonia is being successfully treated.
The Number One cause of death in the Philippines in 2007, the most recent data, was heart disease. Second most prevalent cause was cerebrovascular disease.  Pneumonia was the fourth most prevalent.  Pneumonia refers to inflammation and congestion of the lungs due to bacteria, viruses or other irritants.

Chronic renal failure, the illness with the second highest number of Philhealth claims, was part of the tenth most prevalent disease group causing death in 2007, consisting of diseases of the kidneys.

12 thoughts on “Top 20 Illnesses in the Philippines 1Q 2011, Based on Philhealth Claims Paid”

  1. Can I still use my philhealth even if i already have 4 children? But all my children were covered by my husband’s philhealth.

    • Hi lheny, if the first-four-limit is still the policy, sad to say, you can no longer use Philhealth for your 5th or subsequent deliveries, even if the first 4 were covered by your husband’s Philhealth, or even if Philhealth was not used for the first 4. I thought this rule was already changed by the new law this 2014, as said in a press release, but it seems that the 4-children limit still stands. Ask your hospital or clinic.

  2. I wrote a letter to you regarding my reimburstment I was operated here in Saudi Arabia for L5S1decompression and instrumentation in my spinal column kindly tell me which bracket its includedthank you ang hoping for your immediate reply

  3. I’ve just applied for philhealth this December as voluntary. When can I use philhealth to get a discount from the hospital for hysterectomy to operate on my ovarian cyst? thank you.

  4. I’m OFW. There’s suspicion I have stomach CA. How much is Philhealth’s assistance for my admission for endoscopy and colonoscopy procedures tomorrow?


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